UDC Terms and Conditions of Use

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms of Use is to set forth the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of Dunamu Inc. (the “Company”) and the User with respect to the use of the Upbit D Conference (“UDC”) and internet-related Services provided on the Upbit D Conference website (the “UDC Website”) operated by the Company, such as UDC guidance, ticket purchase, etc., (the “Services”) and the participation in UDC.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The terms used in these Terms of Use are defined as follows:

  • ① The “UDC Website” refers to the virtual platform established by the Company to enable the transacting of Goods and/or Services (the “Goods, etc.”) using information communication facilities such as computers in order for the Company to provide the Goods, etc., to the User.
  • ② The “User” refers to a “Member”, “Non-Member”, or “Speaker” who accesses the UDC Website and receives the Services provided by the Company after completing the Registration Process in Article 9 of these Terms of Use.
  • ③ “Member” refers to a person who has registered as a member on the UDC Website and can continuously use the Services provided by the Company.
  • ④ “Non-Member” refers to a person who uses the Services provided by the Company without joining as a Member.
  • ⑤ “Speaker” refers to a person who has been officially selected by the Company as a UDC speaker and has completed the Speaker Registration Process.

Article 3 (Stating, Explaining, and Revising the Terms of Use, etc.)

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties, except where special provisions in other laws require us to do so in order to fulfill our obligations under those laws.

  • ① The Company shall post the details of these Terms of Use, the Company’s trade name and representative name, address (including the address where consumer complaints can be handled), telephone number, fax number, email address, business registration number, telemarketing business report number, chief privacy officer, etc., on the initial Services page (full page) of the UDC Website so that the User can easily understand them; provided, however, that that the Terms of Use may be presented through a linked page for the User’s viewing.
  • ② The Company may amend these Terms of Use to the extent that it does not violate the applicable laws such as the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., the Act on the Regulation of Terms of Use, the Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Transactions, the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, Digital Signature Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Act on Door-to-Door Sales, the Framework Act on Consumers, etc.
  • ③ When the Company revises the Terms of Use, the date of application and the reason for the revision shall be stated along with the current Terms of Use on the initial page of the UDC Website from 7 days before the date of application to the day before the date of application; provided, however, that if the Terms of Use are changed to the disadvantage of the User, notice shall be given with a grace period of at least 30 days. In this case, the Company shall clearly compare the contents before and after the revision and indicate them so that the User can easily understand them.
  • Any matters not set forth in these Terms of Use and the interpretation of these Terms of Use shall be in accordance with the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., the Act on the Regulation of Terms of Use, the Consumer Protection Guidelines in Electronic Commerce, etc. Prescribed by the Fair Trade Commission, the applicable laws and regulations, and commercial practices.

Article 4 (Provision and Change of Services)

  • ① The UDC Website shall provide the following Services:
    • 1. The supply of information on Goods and/or Services and the execution of purchase agreements.
    • 2. The delivery of Goods and/or Services for which a purchase agreement has been concluded.
    • 3. Other tasks as determined by the Company.
  • ② The Company may change the Goods and/or Services to be provided pursuant to an agreement to be concluded in the future in the event that Goods and/or Services are out of stock or if there is a change in the technical specifications. In such cases, the details and date of provision of the changed Goods and/or Services shall be immediately announced at the place where the details of the current Goods and/or Services are posted.
  • ③ In the event that the contents of the Services contracted with the User to be provided by the Company are changed due to the quality of Goods, etc., or changes in technical specifications, the reason shall be immediately notified to the User at the address at which notice to the User is possible.
  • ④ In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Company shall compensate the User for any damages incurred thereby; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in cases where the Company proves that there is no intention or negligence on its part.

Article 5 (Suspension of Services)

  • ① “The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of Services in the event of repair inspection, replacement, or breakdown of communication facilities such as computers, disruption of communications, etc.
  • ② The Company shall compensate for any damages incurred by the User or a third party due to the temporary suspension of Services due to the grounds in Paragraph 1 above; provided, however, that that the foregoing shall not apply in cases where the Company proves that there is no intention or negligence on its part.

Article 6 (Membership)

  • ① The User shall apply for membership registration by entering the Member information in accordance with the membership application form prescribed by the Company and expressing his/her intent to consent to these Terms of Use.
  • ② The Company shall register Users who have applied for membership in accordance with Paragraph 1 as Members unless any of the following applies:
    • 1. If the applicant has previously lost membership eligibility in accordance with Article 7(3) of these Terms of Use (provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where the consent of the Company for re-registration is obtained).
    • 2. If there is any false entry, omission of entry, or error in the registration details.
    • 3. If it is otherwise determined that the membership registration will cause a considerable technical disruption to the UDC Website.
  • ③ If there is a change in the matters registered at the time of membership registration, the Member shall notify the UDC Website of the change within an appropriate period of time through methods such as modification of membership information, etc.

Article 7 (Withdrawal of Membership and Disqualification, etc.)

  • ① Members may request withdrawal from the UDC Website at any time, and the Company shall immediately proceed with such withdrawal.
  • ② If any of the following applies to a Member, the Company may restrict or suspend his/her membership:
    • 1. If false information was registered at the time of application for membership.
    • 2. If the Member fails to pay by the due date any liability incurred by the Member in connection with the payment, etc., of Goods, etc. purchased using the UDC Website.
    • 3. If the Member threatens the electronic commerce order such as interfering with another person’s use of the UDC Website, stealing another person’s information, etc.
    • 4. If the Member uses the UDC Website to engage in acts that are prohibited by laws, regulations, or these Terms of Use or are contrary to public order and good morals.
  • ③ After the Company has restricted or suspended membership status, if the same act is repeated twice or more, or the cause thereof is not corrected within 10 days, the Company may terminate membership status.
  • ④ If the Company terminates a Member’s status, the membership registration shall be canceled. In such cases, the Member shall be notified of such fact and shall be given an opportunity to explain by setting a period of at least 15 days before the cancellation of membership registration.

Article 8 (Notice to Members)

  • ① The Company may give notice to Members through a contact address such as an email address as agreed in advance with the Company or telephone number registered by the Member.
  • ② In the case of notice to many and unspecified Members, the Company may replace individual notice with a posting on the UDC Website bulletin for at least 1 week; provided, however, that for matters that have a significant impact on the Member’s own transactions, individual notice shall be given.

Article 9 (Registration Process and Establishment of Agreements)

  • ① Use agreements shall be established through the process in which the applicant for a use agreement writes his/her information on the application form provided by the Company for the UDC of the relevant year and agrees to these Terms of Use to apply for the use of the Services, and the Company accepts such application (the “Registration Process”); provided, however, that the above use agreement shall be automatically terminated upon the end of the relevant year’s UDC, and in order for the User to participate in the next UDC, he/she must go through the above Registration Process again.
  • ② The Company may refuse to accept an application filed by an applicant for a use agreement in any of the following cases; provided, however, that in cases where an agreement is concluded with a minor, notice must be given that if the consent of the minor’s legal guardian cannot be obtained, the minor him/herself or his/her legal guardian may terminate the agreement.
    • 1. If there is any false entry, omission of entry, or error in the application details.
    • 2. If a minor purchases Goods and/or Services prohibited under the Juvenile Protection Act, such as tobacco, liquor, etc.
    • 3. Other cases where it is determined that acceptance of the purchase request poses serious technical impediments to the UDC Website.
    • 4. If the Member is identified as a person under 14 years of age.
  • ③ All information provided by the applicant for a use agreement on the application form during the Registration Process is deemed to be actual data, and if the applicant agrees to the item that “I am at least 14 years of age” when applying for use, he/she shall be deemed to be 14 years of age or older. The use of the Services may be restricted if it is found that false information was entered during the Registration Process.

Article 10 (Supply of Goods, etc.)

  • ① Unless otherwise agreed between the Company and the User with respect to the timing of the supply of Goods, etc., the Company shall take necessary measures, such as order production and packaging, to ensure the delivery of Goods, etc., within 7 days from the date of subscription by the User; provided, however, that if the Company has already received all or part of the payment for the Goods, etc., it shall take action within 3 business days from the date of receipt of all or part of the payment. At this time, the Company shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the User can check the procedures and progress of the supply of Goods, etc.
  • ② For goods purchased by the User, the Company shall specify the delivery methods, the person responsible for the delivery cost for each method, and the delivery period for each method. If the Company exceeds the agreed delivery period, it shall compensate the User for any damages caused thereby; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in cases where the Company proves that there was no intention or negligence on its part.

Article 11 (Refunds)

If the Company is unable to deliver or provide the Goods, etc., that have been requested for purchase by the User due to the reasons such as the Goods, etc., being out of stock, the Company shall immediately notify the User of the reason and, in cases where the payment is received in advance, the Company shall refund or take the necessary measures for refund within 3 business days from the date of receipt of the payment.

Article 12 (Withdrawal of Subscription, etc.)

  • ① Users who have entered into an agreement with the Company for the purchase of Goods, etc., may withdraw from his/her subscription within 7 days from the date of receipt of the written statement regarding the contents of the agreement pursuant to Article 13(2) of the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. (if the Goods, etc., are supplied later than when such written statement is received, from the date when the Goods, etc., are supplied or the date on which the supply thereof commences); provided, however, that if the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., stipulates otherwise with respect to the withdrawal of subscription, the provisions of such Act shall apply, and the Goods, etc. provided by the Company to the User free of charge shall be excluded from the withdrawal.
  • ② The User may not return or exchange the Goods, etc., if they have been delivered or are usable, in any of the following cases:
    • 1. If the Goods, etc., are destroyed or damaged at the fault of the User (provided, however, that the withdrawal of subscription may be possible in cases where the packaging is damaged in order for the User to confirm the contents of Goods, etc.).
    • 2. If the value of the Goods, etc., has been significantly reduced by the use or partial consumption of the User.
    • 3. If the value of the Goods, etc., has decreased significantly to the extent that resale would be difficult due to the lapse of time.
    • 4. In cases where it is possible to make a reproduction of the Goods, etc., of the same performance, if the packaging of the original Goods, etc., has been damaged.
    • 5. Other cases falling under the grounds for restriction on the withdrawal of subscription as prescribed by the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
  • ③ In the case of Paragraph 2(2) through (5), if the Company did not explicitly state in advance the fact that withdrawal of subscription may be restricted at a location at which the User can easily be made aware of such fact, or if it did not take measures such as providing trial products for use, the withdrawal of subscription of the User shall not be restricted.
  • ④ Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2, if the contents of the Goods, etc., are different from the contents indicated or advertised or have been fulfilled differently from the terms of the agreement, the User may withdraw subscription within 3 months from the date of receiving the relevant Goods, etc., or 30 days from the day they became aware of such fact or should have become aware of such fact.

Article 13 (Effect of Withdrawal of Subscription)

  • ① The Company shall refund the price already paid for the Goods, etc., within 3 business days upon receipt of the return of the Goods, etc., from the User. In this case, if the Company delays the refund of the Goods, etc., to the User, the Company shall pay delay interest calculated by multiplying the period of delay by the delay interest rate prescribed in Article 21-3 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
  • ② In refunding the above amount, when the User pays the price of Goods, etc., by means of credit card, virtual currency, or other payment methods, the Company shall immediately request the business entity that has provided the relevant payment method to suspend or cancel the request for the amount of the Goods, etc.
  • ③ If a subscription is withdrawn, the User shall bear the expenses necessary for the return of the supplied Goods, etc. The Company shall not claim a penalty or damages from the User on the grounds of withdrawal of subscription; provided, however, that in the event of a withdrawal of subscription because the contents of the Goods, etc., are different from the contents indicated or advertised or are fulfilled differently from the terms of the agreement, the expenses necessary for the return of the Goods, etc., shall be borne by the Company.
  • ④ In the event that the User incurs shipping costs when they are provided with the Goods, etc., the Company shall clearly indicate who will bear such costs at the time of withdrawal of subscription in a manner that makes it easy to understand for the User.

Article 14 (The Company’s Obligations)

  • ① The Company shall not engage in any activity that is prohibited by laws, regulations, or these Terms of Use or is contrary to public order and good morals, and it shall exert its best efforts to provide the Goods, etc., in a continuous and stable manner in accordance with these Terms of Use.
  • ② The Company shall have a security system to protect the personal information (including credit information) of the User so that the User may safely use the Internet services.
  • ③ If the User incurs damages due to the Company’s unfair labeling or advertising practices as set forth in Article 3 of the Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising with respect to the Goods and/or Services, the Company shall be liable for such damages.
  • ④ The Company shall not send for-profit advertising emails that are unwanted by the User.

Article 15 (Obligations of the User)

The User shall not engage in any of the following acts:

  • ① Registration of false information upon application or change.
  • ② Misappropriation of others’ information.
  • ③ Changing of the information posted on the UDC Website.
  • ④ Sending or posting of information (computer programs, etc.) other than those prescribed by the Company.
  • ⑤ Infringement of the IP Rights, etc., of the Company and other third parties, including copyrights.
  • ⑥ Harming of the reputation of the Company or other third parties or interference with their business activities.
  • ⑦ Disclosing or posting of obscene or abusive messages, images, sounds, and other information that is against public order and customs on the UDC Website.

Article 16 (Ownership of Copyright and Restriction on Use)

  • ① The Company reserves all rights such as the intellectual property rights in relation to the Services provided by the Company, posts, software necessary therefor, images, logos, designs, Service names, information, and trademarks, and works created by the Company (collectively, the “IP Rights”).
  • ② The User shall not modify, lend, loan, sell, distribute, produce, transfer, sublicense, establish a security interest, reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or use any other such method to use the Company’s IP Rights for profit or allow a third party to use them without the prior consent of Company.
  • ③ If the Company uses the copyrights belonging to the User pursuant to an agreement, it shall notify the User.

Article 17 (Changes, etc., in Speaker and User Information)

  • ① The Company may directly change the information registered by the Company through a separate link; provided, however, that if it is necessary to cancel the registration of the Speaker, a separate inquiry must be made to the UDC Preparation Office of the Company.
  • ② The Speaker hereby confirms that all relevant materials, such as information registered by the Speaker, lecture notes, actual lecture videos, etc., may be posted and exposed on platforms such as the UDC Website and YouTube indefinitely to record and promote the UDC at the Company’s will.
  • ③ The User may modify or cancel the registration of their registered information on the UDC Website within the applicable registration deadline; provided, however, that if the cancellation of registration is necessary after the registration deadline, a separate inquiry must be made to the Company’s UDC Preparation Office.
  • ④ The User should note that the views presented in the Speakers’ lectures, events, and other programs may not coincide with the official position of the Company.

Article 18 (Production of UDC Footage, Consent to Use Portrait Rights, etc.)

  • ① The Company may employ professional service providers (experts on photo, video, audio, streaming, and other media deemed necessary for events) to record, document, and display the UDC. Such materials may be used in any of the following methods indefinitely:
    • 1. Use on the website and social media posts.
    • 2. Use for promotional purposes for holding the UDC.
    • 3. Exposure through media at the event site.
  • ② The Speakers and Users attending the UDC acknowledge and agree that the Company may photograph and record participants through photographs and footage and use them for legitimate purposes, including marketing, promotional activities, convening of regular conferences (UDC promotion), etc.
  • ③ If the Speaker accepts the Company’s request to participate as a speaker, the Speaker shall be deemed to have consented to the materials (such as personal information and presentation materials) and filming materials (photos, videos, etc.) submitted thereby to the Company to be used on the website, social media, and online/offline media for recording, promoting, and publicizing the event.

Article 19 (Personal Information Protection)

The Company shall endeavor to protect the User’s personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and the Personal Information Protection Act. With respect to the protection and use of personal information, the applicable laws and regulations and the Company’s UDC Privacy Policy shall apply; provided, however, that the UDC Privacy Policy shall not apply to screens, etc., that are linked externally other than those produced and provided by the Company.

Article 20 (Dispute Resolution)

  • ① The Company shall establish and operate a damage compensation organization (customer center) to reflect the legitimate opinions or complaints presented by the User and to compensate for damages therefrom.
  • ② The Company shall address the complaints and comments submitted by the User with priority; provided, however, that if it is difficult to promptly handle the matter, the User shall be immediately notified of the reasons and schedule for handling the matter.

Article 21 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

  • ① Any litigation related to electronic commerce transaction disputes between the Company and the User shall be filed with the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act.
  • ② The laws of the Republic of Korea shall apply to electronic commerce transaction litigation between the Company and the User.

These Terms of Use shall take effect on June 27, 2023.
Previous Terms of Use are listed below.