Update Notice for Privacy Policy Changes of Upbit D Conference(UDC)_V2.5

Greetings from the Dunamu Inc.

The Upbit D Conference (UDC) privacy policy will be partially revised on July 10, 2024, so we inform you as follows:

Reason for revision

* Information updates according to conference planning

* To clarify the contents of the privacy policy to the rights of users


Key Updates

2. Period of Managing and Retaining Personal Information : Updating of Personal Information Retention Period

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6. Rights of Users and Legal Representatives and How to Exercise the Right : Rights of Data Subjects under the Personal Information Protection Act

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7. Personal Information Items Managed : Updating of Processed Personal Information Items

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10. Cookies And Other Tracking Technologies : Updating Microsoft Edge

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Update Schedule

The newly revised Privcacy Policy V2.5 will take effect on July 10, 2024. As such, previous versions are invalid as of this date.

Thank you.

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